Partial Templates

When working with larger templates it can be helpful to separate them into smaller building blocks. One way to do this is to create partial templates and include them in other templates.

Partial templates differ in two important ways from their normal template counterparts.

  1. They must begin with an underscore _ as this is currently the only indicator of whether a template is partial or not.

  2. They require no configuration block as they inherit their configuration from the template that includes them.

See the using-partials templates for a fully working example.

Including a Partial Template

Partial templates are included using the include tag:

{% include "" %}

Where "" is a path relative to the templates directory. Therefore, this would be pointing to a template at the root of the templates directory. If we wanted to organize our templates into different directories we would have to add the directory names for any directories between the including template and the templates directory.

For example, with the following structure:

 └── my-vault-templates

We would use the following include tags:

{% include "my-vault-templates/_book.jinja2" %}
{% include "my-vault-templates/_annotation.jinja2" %}

See the documentation for Tera's include tag for more information on its features and limitations.