
Each of the three currently available Commands has its own pipeline for processing Apple Books' data before writing it to disk. And by extension, each pipeline has its own set of applicable options.

The pipelines and options for these three Commands are as follows:

╭─────────╮           Export Pipeline
│ Global* │          ╭────────╮ ╭─────────────╮ ╔════════╗
╰────┬────╯        ┌─┤ Filter ├─┤ Pre-process ├─╢ export ╟────────────────────┐
     │             │ ╰────────╯ ╰─────────────╯ ╚════════╝                    │
     │             │                                                          │
     │             │                                                          │
     │             │  Render Pipeline                                         │
     │             │ ╭───────────╮                                            │
     │             │ │ Templates ├──────────────┐                             │
     │             │ ╰───────────╯              │                             │
     │ ┌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┐ │ ╭────────╮ ╭─────────────╮ │ ╔════════╗ ╭──────────────╮ │ ┌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┐
     █─┤ Extract ├─┴─┤ Filter ├─┤ Pre-process ├─┴─╢ render ╟─┤ Post-process ├─┼─┤ Write │
     │ └╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┘   ╰────────╯ ╰─────────────╯   ╚════════╝ ╰──────────────╯ │ └╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┘
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │  Backup Pipeline                                                       │
     │ ╔════════╗                                                             │
     └─╢ backup ╟─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
NameAffects CommandsOptions For
RenderrenderConfiguring renders.
ExportexportConfiguring exports.
BackupbackupConfiguring backups.
Filterrender exportFiltering down books/annotations.
Pre-processrender exportProcessing before running Command.
Post-processrenderProcessing after running Command.