
The following is an overview of some of the more common options.

Default Directories

Running readstor with no arguments uses the following default directories:

  • databases directory: ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.iBooksX/Data/Documents
  • output directory: ~/.readstor

We can change the output directory using the --output-directory option:

readstor [COMMAND] --output-directory "/path/to/output"

And change the databases directory using the --databases-directory option:

readstor [COMMAND] --databases-directory "/path/to/databases"


Filters can be used to run commands on a subset of annotations. Note that all filters are case-insensitive.

We can filter annotations where the book's title is exactly the art spirit:

readstor [COMMAND] --filter "=title:the art spirit"
# '=' operator: exact -------^

Or, filter annotations where the book's author contains henri:

readstor [COMMAND] --filter "author:henri"
# no operator: contains ----^

Or, filter annotations that contain the tag #star:

readstor [COMMAND] --filter "tag:#star" --extract-tags

We can also combine filters:

readstor [COMMAND]                   \
    --filter "=title:the art spirit" \
    --filter "tag:#star"             \

Custom Templates

A custom templates directory can be declared by using the --templates-directory option. A template directory can contain any number of templates structured in any way, therefore template groups are used to name them and define relations between them.

Render a single template group found inside a custom templates directory:

readstor render                                \
    --templates-directory "/path/to/templates" \
    --template-group "my-template-group"

In this example, my-template-group refers not to any file or directory name but rather the group declared within any of the templates found inside the /path/to/templates directory.

For example /path/to/templates/my-template.jinja2:

<!-- readstor
group: my-template-group
context: book
structure: flat
extension: md

# {{ book.author }} - {{ book.title }}

{% for annotation in annotations -%}
{{ annotation.body }}

{% endfor %}

Pre- and Post-processing

We can run pre- and post-processors on the data to modify it before completing the command. Pre-processors are run on the raw data while post-processors are run on the output data. Therefore pre-processors apply only to the render and export commands while post-processors only apply to the render command.

Generate easily editable text by normalizing whitespace, converting any "smart" Unicode symbols to ASCII and hard-wrapping the text to 100 characters.

readstor render            \
    --normalize-whitespace \
    --ascii-symbols        \
    --trim-blocks          \
    --wrap-text 100

See normalize whitespace, ascii symbols, trim blocks, wrap text for more information.

Complete Examples


Renders all annotations containing the #star tag using a template named my-template-group found inside the /path/to/templates directory. Runs the pre-processes: ascii-symbols, extract-tags and normalize-whitespace, and the post-processes trim-blocks and wrap-text. The resulting files are output to /path/to/output.

readstor render                                \
    --output-directory "/path/to/output"       \
    --templates-directory "/path/to/templates" \
    --template-group "my-template-group"       \
    --filter "tag:#star"                       \
    --ascii-symbols                            \
    --extract-tags                             \
    --normalize-whitespace                     \
    --trim-blocks                              \
    --wrap-text 100


Exports all annotations. Runs the pre-processes: ascii-symbols, extract-tags and normalize-whitespace. The resulting files are output to /path/to/output using a custom directory template.

readstor export                                                  \
    --output-directory "/path/to/output"                         \
    --directory-template "{{ book.title }} by {{ book.author }}" \
    --ascii-symbols                                              \
    --extract-tags                                               \


Backs-up macOS's Apple Books databases to /path/to/output using a custom directory template.

readstor backup                          \
    --output-directory "/path/to/output" \
    --directory-template "{{ now | date(format='%Y-%m-%d') }}-v{{ version }}"